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What is ARTech™ in Pellucid



What is ARTech™ in Pellucid Range of Products

The above table shows the process of the technology of ARTech.

This technology was adapted from the physiology of life during the beginning of life forms, whereby the initiation that triggers the first cell replication and production is via 3 main elements Energy from Sunlight + Water + Minerals.





The team of professors took this idea and further researched its possibility in adapting this process into our very own body.


This research took a lengthy 40 years of research and it bore fruit in Hong Kong when the team of researchers discovered the main origin of healthy cells began from cell programming.


By programming the cells regardless of its state, it is possible to revert the total cell regeneration to shift back into its origin state where healthy cell repair and replication occurs.


Thus, the very first presentation of this discovery was presented during TedxSUC talk on year 2019 at China. The main presentation mainly informs the public where cell repair does not have to rely on drugs that’s termed Bio-Chemical, but on cell programming; basically Bio-Physics.


Back to ARTech™ in Pellucid, by applying this research, ARTech™ is inserted into the products as a form of energy which is absorbed into minerals that’s present in a medium of water that is certified high quality by IWAI; an independent body that rates and qualitatively control the quality of water. As such, the main Pellucid Eye Spray has no remnants of any forms of chemical and drugs within the bottle.


ARTech™ itself when mixed with salt, is able to perform as a self-preservative.

Thus, Pellucid Eye Spray does not require any form of preservatives for its 2 years shelf life.





ARTech™ boasted not only in its cell programming function, but is also able to reflect 92% form of Blue-Light.
Blue-Light as we know today is a form of energy that damages our cells, mainly from screens of TV, smartphones, household lights, laptops etc. which are always present in this era and unavoidable.

With every spray of Pellucid, the protection barrier of the eye is able to reflect the blue light from damaging your eyes for up to 4 hours. So, a basic protection for a healthy screen time is to spray Pellucid every 4 hours.


The illustration simplifies the process of Blue-Light damage to the eye and how ARTech™ is able to protect the eye from the damage.


In this current era of technology, we are not able to shorten the screen-time just to protect your eyes, as shorter screen time proves to be not trendy, unable to work and progress in your job, or even not being able to keep up with the news and things that are going on around the globe.


What we can do is to provide a solution, which bridges the dilemma of screen time that has potential of damaging your eyes, along with keeping your eyes healthy, hydrated and a barrier from blue light damage.



Keep your eyes healthy for a more wonderful sight and vision to see the world.

Keep it Wet.


How Electronic Devices Are Contributing to Eye Problems



The use of electronics is increasing rapidly in the modern world, and so is the number of people suffering from eye problems. Electronic devices such as computers, tablets, mobile phones, and televisions have made our lives easier and more convenient, but at what cost? Surveys and studies suggest that excessive use of these devices can cause a host of eye problems, including digital eye strain, myopia, and dry eye.


10 Tips for Computer Eye Strain Relief


Digital eye strain, also known as computer vision syndrome, is a condition that affects people who spend long hours working on a computer or other digital devices. It manifests as eye fatigue, headaches, blurred vision, and dry eyes. The blue light emitted by electronic devices is known to fatigue the eyes and disrupt the natural sleep-wake cycle, leading to eye strain and other associated problems.


Myopia, or nearsightedness, is another eye problem that is on the rise due to the use of electronic devices. This condition is characterized by the inability to see distant objects clearly, and it occurs when the eyeball is too long or the cornea is too curved. Studies suggest that excessive screen time can lead to the development of myopia in children and young adults.


What Is Chronic Dry Eye | Toronto, ON | See & Be Seen Eyecare


Lastly, dry eye is a condition that occurs due to the reduced production of tears, which makes the eyes feel irritated, scratchy, and burn. The reduced blinking while using electronic devices, as well as decreased humidity levels in air-conditioned environments, are some of the factors that contribute to this condition.


So, what can be done to avoid these eye problems? One solution is to take frequent breaks when using electronic devices, allowing the eyes to rest and blink naturally. Using anti-glare screens and adjusting the brightness and contrast of devices can also help reduce eye strain. It is also recommended to maintain a safe distance between the eyes and the screen, and to keep electronic devices at an appropriate height, to avoid neck and shoulder strains.


Otherwise, you can try natural dry eye management such as Pellucid Eye Spray to firstly instantly refreshes your eyes. Main reason for eye discomfort is due to dry eyes and also build of pressure within the eyes. With Pellucid, your eyes gets instantly moisturized. Secondary effect of Pellucid is that it being able to reduce internal eye pressure that causes your eye discomfort. Pellucid also have an effect that blocks 92% of blue light that enters the eye, providing your eye a barrier from blue light damage.


In conclusion, electronic devices have revolutionized our lives, but the excessive use of these devices can lead to various eye problems. It is important to be aware of these problems and take preventive measures to avoid them. Taking frequent breaks, adjusting device settings, and maintaining a safe distance from the screen are some of the simple measures that can help protect our precious eyesight and reduce the risk of long-term eye problems. Otherwise, if your lifestyle is too heavy relying on electronic devices, start your eye care management journey with Pellucid. 

Short-Sighted - MYTHS or FACTS




With the increasing rates of myopia (also known as short sightedness) in children, parents are putting more effort into figuring out how to effectively control their children's vision. The internet is definitely where parents would most likely go to for an answer. With so much information available on the internet these days, it's sometimes difficult to tell what's true and what's just an urban legend. So here are probably a few myths that kids were most likely told by their parents.


Myopia can be cured naturally: MYTH


Myopia occurs when the eyeballs grow too quickly and too long in childhood and can continue worsening into the teens and even early adulthood. Once this excessive eye growth has started, we can try to slow it down with myopia control treatments, but we can’t stop the eyes from growing or reverse the excessive growth. This means there is no cure for myopia – only ways to correct the blurry far away vision which comes with it (such as spectacles or lasik surgery).


Most of the time when it seems like myopia is “cured”, but in fact it is only “corrected”. For example, doing LASIK or laser surgery. It corrects myopia, but doesn’t cure it, because it doesn’t shorten the length of the eyeball. In another words, the health risks of myopia remain the same, even if vision is now perfect. There is no treatment that can reverse myopia once it has developed.


Eyes exercises cure myopia: MYTH


There is no scientific evidence that eye exercises will reduce myopia. This is a significant issue in China, where there are high rates of myopia and daily ‘eye exercises’ have been a part of China’s national vision care policy in schools for over 50 years. Recent research has shown that these eye exercises do not help to preserve or improve vision. (https://iovs.arvojournals.org/)


In fact, sometimes these eyes exercise will worsening myopia condition that could lead to a condition called “pseudo-myopia” where the eyeballs behave like they are short-sighted, suffering from blurry far vision due to inflexible eyes muscles. In these cases, eye professional - an orthoptist, optometrist or ophthalmologist – may prescribe specific eye exercises (also called vision training) to improve these conditions.


Vitamins can cure myopia: MYTH


Vitamins are used in healthcare to treat some eye conditions. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a condition that causes blindness (mainly in the elderly) has been proven through scientific studies to slow down when taking a very specific dose of some vitamins. This is only for AMD though, and if taken incorrectly and not under the direction of a professional these vitamins can bring about health complications in some people. There is no current vitamin that prevents or cures myopia, and all vitamins and supplements should only be taken under the advice of your healthcare professional. (https://www.nei.nih.gov/.../age-related-eye-disease... )


Despite the myth of curing myopia, we should still take care of our children’s eyesight. It is important to start the habit of taking care their eyesight at young age. Thus, Pellucid+ eye spray is one of the solution to prevent and take care of myopia.


Pellucid+ is ARTechTM based product which everyone can use them safely. Pellucid+ can help to repair and protect 92% of blue ray from damaging the eyes, hydrates the eye in just 10 seconds and help with most of the eye's diseases. It’s always better to prevent than cure. So, let’s start practicing the habit of spray once per hour to avoid myopia and also from worsening myopia! Your kids need them!


Take on your Pellucid journey NOW!

What is Floaters?



Have you ever noticed small specks or cobweb-like shapes moving in your vision? These are called floaters, and they are a common occurrence.

Floaters are small, shadowy objects that float in your field of vision and can be distracting or annoying. While floaters are usually harmless, they can sometimes be a sign of a more serious eye condition.


What causes floaters?



Floaters are caused by small bits of debris floating in the vitreous, the clear gel-like substance that fills the inside of your eye. As we age, the vitreous begins to break down and become more liquid, causing small clumps of cells to break away from the retina and float in the vitreous. These clumps cast a shadow on the retina, which is what causes the appearance of floaters.


Are floaters harmful?


Floaters are usually harmless and do not require treatment. They are a normal part of the aging process and are most common in people over the age of 50. However, in rare cases, floaters can be a sign of a more serious condition such as retinal detachment or bleeding in the eye. If you experience sudden onset of floaters, flashes of light, or a loss of vision, seek immediate medical attention.


How are floaters treated?


In most cases, floaters do not require treatment and will eventually fade away on their own. However, if floaters are interfering with your vision or are particularly bothersome, your eye doctor may recommend a vitrectomy. A vitrectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the vitreous and replaces it with a clear, saline solution. This procedure can help improve vision and reduce the appearance of floaters.


On the other hand, with good eye care management without surgery, Pellucid+ is a to go eye solution that can help to reduce and treat floaters. With the use of ARTech in Pellucid+, it helps to repair the damaged eye cells and regenerate healthy eye cells to treat floaters. If we practice good eye care management in our daily lifestyle, we can treat most of the eye problems.


How can I prevent floaters?


Unfortunately, there is no surefire way to prevent floaters as they are a natural part of the aging process. However, there are steps you can take to help maintain good eye health and reduce the risk of developing serious eye conditions. These include:


  1. Scheduling regular eye exams: Regular eye exams can help detect any changes in your vision or eye health, including the development of floaters.

  2. Protecting your eyes: Wear sunglasses that offer 100% UV protection to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.

  3. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle: Eating a healthy diet, staying hydrated, and exercising regularly can help maintain good eye health.

  4. Using Pellucid+: Spray on our eyes at least 4 times per day on maintenance purpose. It can block up to 92% of blue ray penetration into our eyes that can damage our eye cells and prevent different eye problems.


In conclusion, floaters are a common occurrence and usually harmless. However, if you experience sudden onset of floaters, flashes of light, or a loss of vision, seek immediate medical attention. Remember to schedule regular eye exams and take steps to maintain good eye health to reduce the risk of developing serious eye conditions. You can always start your eye care management journey with Pellucid+.





Myth and Facts about Carrots and Healthy Eyes



We often heard of “Eat more carrots, they are good for your eyes!” Question is, are they really good for our eyes?


YES, carrots are good for our eyes, but they are less likely to cure existing diseases. They certainly will not give us the night-vision superpowers that we secretly hope for, but they certainly have some health benefits. The truth is, there is a truly beneficial relationship between carrots and our eyes.


The most typical statement that we heard about carrots is that they can enhance our night vision, which is not totally wrong because eating carrots can help our body to manufacture vitamin A. These vitamin A from carrot is necessary to produce rhodopsin, a visual pigment that allows us to see at night. Fail to get sufficient of vitamin A in our diet will firstly damage our night vision.


So what exactly does carrots do? The answer is actually their coloration. Carrots have bright orange tones to a pigment known as beta-carotene. Beta-carotene serve an important role in human diet. The body uses beta-carotene to make vitamin A that are important for night-vision. Vitamin A helps the eye to convert light into a signal that can be transmitted to the brain, allowing us to see under the low light condition.


As we know, deficiency in vitamin A brings lot of nasty effects on our body, but it is even nastier around the eyes. Thus, failing to get enough of vitamin A will lead us to losing night-vision first. Dry eyes follow after that, then development of Bitot’s spots (opaque deposits on the eyes). Eventually, deficiency in vitamin A will destroy the cornea and ended up with blindness.


So, does eating carrots help keeping our eyes healthy? Absolutely! However, it has certain limitation where it only helps to prevent but not in recovering serious eyes problems. For instance, having serious short-sighted, blindness or cataract cannot be treated by just eating carrots.




How Arcturus affect Us?



With the ever-evolving nature of viruses, it's crucial to stay informed about new variants and their potential effects. In recent times, the emergence of the Arcturus variant has raised concerns worldwide. In this post, we will delve into what we currently know about the Arcturus variant, its impact on our health, and the precautions we can take to protect ourselves and our communities.


What is the Arcturus Variant?


The Arcturus variant, also known as Arcturus COVID-19 variant or Arcturus strain, is a mutation of the original SARS-CoV-2 virus. Variants like Arcturus occur as the virus spreads and replicates, accumulating genetic changes. Scientists closely monitor these variants to understand their transmissibility, severity, and potential resistance to treatments and vaccines.


What is the Symptom?


According to experts, some of Arcturus' symptoms include a high fever, cough and “itchy” conjunctivitis or pinkeye.



Preliminary studies suggest that the Arcturus variant is highly transmissible, with a higher rate of person-to-person spread compared to earlier variants. It is important to note that viruses naturally mutate over time, and increased transmissibility does not necessarily mean increased severity. But Arcturus differs from earlier strains in at least two ways. It tends to produce more fever than some of the other strains we have seen. However, the most distinctive feature is that it seems to have a tendency to produce conjunctivitis, particularly in children, especially when they rub their eyes with their hands which full of bacteria and virus.



One concern surrounding the Arcturus variant is its potential impact on vaccine efficacy. While studies are ongoing, current data suggests that authorized vaccines still provide substantial protection against severe illness, hospitalization, and death caused by the Arcturus variant. Vaccination remains a critical tool in combating the virus and its variants.


Precautions Steps


To protect ourselves and our communities from the Arcturus variant, it is essential to continue following recommended precautions:


a. Vaccination: Get vaccinated as soon as you are eligible. Vaccines significantly reduce the risk of severe illness and complications from COVID-19, including variants like Arcturus.


b. Adhere to Health Guidelines: Continue practicing good hygiene, such as regular handwashing, wearing masks in crowded or high-risk settings, and maintaining physical distancing when necessary.


c. Stay Informed: Stay updated on guidelines and recommendations from reputable health organizations and local authorities. Understand the current situation in your area and follow any specific guidelines or restrictions in place.


d. Testing and Contact Tracing: If you experience COVID-19 symptoms or come into contact with a confirmed case, promptly get tested and cooperate with contact tracing efforts to help prevent further spread.


e. Support Community Health Measures: Encourage others to follow safety protocols, including mask-wearing, vaccination, and responsible behavior. By working together, we can protect vulnerable populations and reduce the overall impact of variants like Arcturus.


f. Use Pellucid+: Constantly hydrate and protect our eyes using Pellucid+ as the ARTech in Pellucid+ product a barrier that can block 92% of the blue ray from penetrating into our eyes. It also helps to detox the virus and bacteria in our eyes that will further damage our eye cells.


As new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus emerge, such as the Arcturus variant, staying informed and taking appropriate precautions are crucial. While the Arcturus variant appears to have increased transmissibility, it is important to remember that existing vaccines still provide significant protection. By remaining vigilant, adhering to health guidelines, and supporting vaccination efforts, we can collectively mitigate the impact of variants and work towards overcoming the challenges presented by the ongoing pandemic. Let's prioritize public health, protect ourselves, and contribute to the well-being of our global community. We are unsure how protective vaccine can help with preventing us from Arcturus, but by constantly maintaining a good eye hygiene will definitely help in preventing eye conjunctivitis or pinkeye from happening especially on our children.



  1. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/new-covid-19-strain-arcturus-what-to-know#How-to-protect-yourself-from-the-new-COVID-19-variant

  2. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/what-to-know-about-the-new-covid-19-strain-known-as-arcturus

Glaucoma: Protecting Your Vision, One Eye at a Time



When it comes to eye health, conditions like glaucoma demand our attention. Glaucoma is often referred to as the "silent thief of sight" because it can gradually damage your vision without noticeable symptoms until it's in advanced stages. In this blog post, we will explore what glaucoma is, its impact on vision, and crucial steps you can take to detect, manage, and protect your eyesight from this stealthy condition.


Understanding Glaucoma:


Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases characterized by damage to the optic nerve, usually due to increased pressure inside the eye. It can affect people of all ages, but it's more common among older adults. While there is no cure for glaucoma, early detection and treatment can help slow its progression and preserve vision.


There are few types of glaucoma we should aware of, including primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), angle-closure glaucoma, and normal-tension glaucoma.


POAG gets its name from the angle formed between the cornea and the iris, which remains open, allowing for normal fluid drainage, but the drainage system gradually becomes less efficient over time. It develops gradually and is often associated with high eye pressure. In POAG, the optic nerve is damaged. Diabetic patient has higher risk of getting POAG. The drainage canal blocked causes frequent eye infections.



Angle-closure glaucoma, also known as closed-angle glaucoma or narrow-angle glaucoma, occurs when the drainage angle of the eye becomes blocked or narrowed, resulting in impaired fluid outflow and increased intraocular pressure (IOP). It can occur suddenly and requires immediate medical attention. The iris is squeezed against the cornea, blocking the uveoscleral drains and the trabecular meshwork. It leads to dry eyes because less fluid is produced due to the blockage. Angle closure glaucoma is associated with extreme eye pain and a very sudden onset.



People with glaucoma are at higher risk of dry eye because some glaucoma treatments can worsen the ocular surface and the tendency to dry eye. It is important that when dry eye occurs in someone with glaucoma, that all factors contributing to the development of dry eye are addressed as this may be enough to improve symptoms without needing to change glaucoma treatment.


What are the treatment and management for Glaucoma patient?


While glaucoma cannot be cured, treatment aims to manage the condition and prevent further damage to the optic nerve. Treatment options may include eye solutions, oral medications, laser therapy, or surgery, depending on the severity and type of glaucoma.


However, we are aware that laser surgery are high risk and with lots of complication. Laser surgery treatment and eye drops used to treat glaucoma can cause dry eyes. Dry eye and glaucoma can be difficult to treat. Although dry eye is often more painful and irritating for the patient, glaucoma is a more serious condition as it can lead to blindness.


Here we suggest Pellucid+ eye solution to treat dry eyes in glaucoma patient. Pellucid+ can help to repair damaged cells and stimulate healthy eye cells without the use of any chemicals and drugs. With Pellucid+ it helps to unclog eye pores and allow the fluid in the eyes to flow accordingly to prevent high eye pressure. Instead of treating the outer layer of the eyes problems, we should focus on the inner eye cells and the root problem of the eye diseases.


Certain lifestyle choices can contribute to the overall management of glaucoma. Taking steps to maintain healthy blood pressure levels, managing diabetes effectively, and avoiding smoking can all help reduce the risk of glaucoma progression. Additionally, protecting your eyes from prolonged exposure to sunlight and using proper eye protection during physical activities can promote overall eye health.


Glaucoma may be a silent thief of sight, but armed with knowledge and regular eye exams, we can take proactive steps to protect our vision. By understanding the risk factors, detecting glaucoma early, and following prescribed treatment plans, we can manage the condition and preserve our precious eyesight. Remember, your eye health is priceless, so prioritize regular eye exams and make conscious choices to safeguard your vision from the clutches of glaucoma.




  1. https://eyedocsbrookville.com/4-types-of-glaucoma/#:~:text=Angle%20Closure%20Glaucoma%20is%20different,the%20fluid%20in%20the%20eye

  2. https://glaucoma.org.au/i-have-glaucoma/living-with-glaucoma/managing-dry-eye-and-glaucoma#:~:text=People%20with%20glaucoma%20are%20at,the%20tendency%20to%20dry%20eye.

Dry Eye; A Clinical Approach





Assessing the Short-Term Effects of Pellucid+™ Eye Spray Versus Traditional Eye Drops on Ocular Quality of Life Metrics: A Comparative Study


DNC Fundamentals Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



  1. Introduction

This comparative study aims to evaluate the efficacy of Pellucid+™ Eye Spray in alleviating dry eyes and its associated symptoms. The study was conducted on a group of participants suffering from dry eyes to compare the effects before and after using Pellucid+™ Eye Spray in comparison to traditional eye drops.



  1. Abstract

Dry eye disease (DED) is a multifactorial ocular condition impacting patients' quality of life. The mainstay treatment involves the use of artificial tear products (ATPs). This review presents a novel approach using Pellucid+™ Eye Spray with ARTech™, aimed at effectively managing DED compared to traditional eye drops. This study aims to evaluate the short-term effects of Pellucid+™ Eye Spray versus traditional eye drops on ocular quality of life metrics, specifically focusing on dry eye symptoms and intraocular eye pressure (IOP) reduction.



  1. Methodology


3.1 Participants:

A total of 200 participants (100 males and 100 females) aged between 18 and 60 years were enrolled in the study. All participants had a history of dry eye symptoms or associated dry eye problems; and were divided randomly into two groups: Group A (Pellucid+™ Eye Spray users) and Group B (traditional eye drop users).


3.2 Procedure:

- Each participant underwent an initial eye questionnaire to determine baseline dry eye symptoms

- Participants in Group A were provided with Pellucid+™ Eye Spray and instructed to use it as per the recommended dosage

- Participants in Group B were provided with a commercially available traditional eye drop containing similar ingredients, except for ARTech™, and were instructed to use it as per the product's guidelines.

- The study duration was set at 2 weeks, and an intermittent test is done after the 1st week of use


3.3 Participant Flow:

Recruitment details

200 dry eye subjects randomised between gender and age


Pre-Assignment details

Randomized, comparative study


Arm/Group Title

Pellucid+ Eye Spray

Traditional Eye Drops

Arm/Group Description

Pellucid+™ Eye Spray 1 spray each eye 4 times daily for 2 weeks

Traditional Eye Drops 1 drop each eye 4 times daily for 2 weeks

Period Title: Overall Study







Not Completed




3.4 Assessment Criteria: 

Participants were evaluated before and after the study period based on the following parameters: a. Dry eye symptoms: Measured using standardized dry eye questionnaires (e.g., OSDI - Ocular Surface Disease Index and SPEED Standard Patient Evaluation of Eye Dryness Questionnaire). b. Intra-Ocular Eye Pressure: Measured by getting the reading of the eye pressure using tonometry test at baseline, after 20 minutes of product application, and at the end of first and second weeks.


  1. Results


4.1 Dry Eye Symptom Relief

After 2 weeks of product usage, participants in Group A (Pellucid+ Eye Spray) reported a significant reduction in dry eye symptoms compared to those in Group B (traditional eye drop users). The OSDI scores decreased by an average of 86% in Group A, indicating substantial symptom relief, while Group B showed only a 20% decrease.


4.2 Intra-Ocular Eye Pressure (IOP) Reduction

Pellucid+ Eye Spray users exhibit significant decrease in IOP from before the use of Pellucid+ Eye Spray and after 20 minutes of one spray on each eye, while traditional eye drops showed minimal change.


IOP, mmHg

Pellucid+ Eye Spray

Traditional Eye Drops

IOP at baseline

22.1 ± 8.2 (100)

22.1 ± 8.2 (100)

IOP after 20 minutes use 

21.1 ± 8.2 (100)

22 ± 8.2 (100)

IOP at Week 1

20.1 ± 7.9 (95)

21.1 ± 8.1 (99)

IOP at Week 1 after 20 minutes use

18.9 ± 7.9 (95)

21.0 ± 8.1 (99)

IOP at Week 2

19.6 ± 7.1 (89)

20.1 ± 6.8 (85)

IOP at Week 2 after 20 minutes use

16.1 ± 7.1 (89)

20.0 ± 6.8 (85)


Change in intraocular pressure overall and according to study groups. All values at specific timepoint as indicated in the table and are presented as mean ± standard deviation. Significant reductions in IOP with Pellucid+ Eye Spray after 20 minutes of spray were observed amongst the group verses traditional eye drops. However the magnitude of the change is even greater after 2 weeks of Pellucid+ Eye Spray and when compared to baseline IOP values.



  1. Discussion


Dry Eye Symptoms severity of OSDI are measured as below:

A score between 0 and 12 is considered normal, while a score between 13 and 22 represents a mild disease, between 23 and 32 is moderate Dry Eye Disease, and any number between 33 and 100 is indicative of severe Dry Eye Disease.


Dry Eye Symptoms severity of SPEED are measures as below:

A score between 0 and 4 is represents a mild disease, between 5 and 7 is moderate Dry Eye Disease, and any number above 8+ is indicative of severe Dry Eye Disease.


Dry eye symptoms which usually affect both eyes may include a stinging, burning or scratchy sensation in your eyes, stringy mucus in or around your eyes, sensitive to light, eye redness, a sensation of having something in your eyes, difficulty wearing contact lenses, difficulty driving at night, watery eyes, blurred vision, eye fatigue, etc.


Dry eyes are caused by a variety of reasons that disrupt the healthy tear film. Your tear film has three layers: fatty oils, aqueous fluid and mucus. This combination usually keeps the surface of your eyes lubricated, smooth and clear. Problems with any of these layers can cause dry eyes.

Reasons for tear film dysfunction are many, including hormone changes, autoimmune disease, inflamed eyelid glands or allergic eye disease. For some people, the cause of dry eyes is decreased tear production or increased tear evaporation.


During this comparative studies, we did not put into consideration of aging, medical conditions including Sjogren’s syndrome, allergic eye disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, thyroid or Vitamin A deficiency; and treated the study as a whole general population. We also did not consider the risk factor of dry eyes such as being older than 50 years old, being a woman, being low on Vitamin A diet or low omega diet, or having any refractive surgery.


There are a total dropout of 26 people among them 14 are male and 2 are female. The reasons for the dropout, is still an unknown factor but could be due to reasons where male are have lower tendency to care for themselves in terms of health behaviour (as per US survey conducted by the Cleveland Clinic). 2 among the dropouts


The normal intraocular eye pressures average from 12-21 mm Hg. The “mm Hg” refers to millimetres of mercury, a scale for recording eye pressure. Anything that exceeds 21 mm Hg is considered hypertensive. The reason for testing the IOP is to check if the eye is able to drain aqueous humour properly, indicating if the eye is blocked due to dry eye or other reasons. Inability to drain causes the eye pressure to increase causing eye complications in future especially glaucoma. 

This study has a number of limitations, which are intrinsic with open-label studies. Limitations include the variation in time of use of the products, age, gender, ethnicity, underlying medical conditions and target IOP, which are at the discretion of the physician. Also, the questionnaire collected are of very limited evaluation. Allergy tests are not performed during the weekly results tabulation. Finally, as this studies only included voluntary patients from Malaysia, the generalizability of the outcomes to individuals of other ethnicities is limited.


  1. Conclusion


The results of this comparative clinical study demonstate that Pellucid+ Eye Spray outperforms traditional eye drops in alleviating dry eye symptoms, and also in terms of reduction in Intraocular eye pressure. The innovative inclusion of ARTech in the formulation of Pellucid+ Eye Spray allows it to help manage dry eyes symptoms, IOP reduction and provide more comprehensive relief. These findings suggest that Pellucid+ Eye Spray could be more effective solutions for individuals suffering from dry eyes compared to conventional eye drops.


However, further studies with larger sample size and more restrictive age, gender and ethnicity and longer durations are recommended to strengthen these findings and evaluate the long-term effects of Pellucid+ Eye Spray usage.



For more information and testimonials, please visit dncpellucid.com





  1. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Dry Eye Syndrome Questionnaires. Dry Eye Disease scoring of OSDI Questionnaire https://www.bergfeinfield.com/wp-content/uploads/OSDI-questionnaire.pdf
  2. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Dry Eye Syndrome Questionnaires. Standardised Eye Dryness Questionnaire scoring SPEED https://eyewiki.aao.org/File:Official_SPEED_Questionnaire_copy.png
  3. Mayo Clinic. Dry Eyes. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dry-eyes/symptoms-causes/syc-20371863
  4. Cleveland Clinic. Eye (Intraocular) Pressure. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/24552-eye-intraocular-pressure#:~:text=Your%20eye%20producing%20too%20much,from%20some%20medications%2C%20especially%20corticosteroids.
  5. American Academy of Opthalmology. Eye Pressure Testing by Kierstan Boyd
  6. Advances in Therapy. Lowering effects of Intraocular Pressure benefits patient in long run. Tanihara et al
  7. National Library of Medicine. Pubmed Central. Open-label placebo clinical trials. Locher et al