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Key Benefits of PELLUCID+:
1. Repair and protect eyes from Blue Ray
2. Anti-Inflammatory
3. Anti-Aging
4. Hydrates eye in 10 seconds
5. Block 92% of blue ray
6. Solve most of the chronic eye problems
Who is suitable to use Pellucid Eye Spray?
✅ People who like to wear lenses
• People who wear it for more than 12 hours and have sore, dry, itchy and inflamed eyes.
✅ People who face too much screen
• Facing too much time on the screen will cause dry eyes
✅ Smartphones addict
• People who work as e-commerce, live broadcast celebrities will hardly stay away from their phones, especially during peak seasons or when order hits. They will be busy replying to messages and thus causing dry, swollen, tired and inflamed eyes due to facing too much screens.
✅ People who always stay up late
• Those who always work overtime, stay up late to watch dramas, have dark circles, and those with eye bags need Pellucid to prevent the eyes from ageing fast.
✅ Eye diseases
• Pellucid works well for floaters, cataracts, blurred vision, and glaucoma!
Despite your occupation, age or eye problems, you need to have at least a bottle of Pellucid with you.
Things you need to know before purchasing Pellucid eye spray:
• PELLUCID is the lead of ARTechTM (Age Reversal Technology), anti-ageing technology which has been developed for 50 years.
• It has KKM and IWAI certifications. Thus you can spray your eyes safely!
• With Nutri-Eye Tech in PELLUCID, it helps to replenish the moisture of our eyes within 10 seconds, and the immediate effects of shining eyes are back!
• PELLUCID is very different from the eyedrops from the drugstores! Eyedrops will damage our eyes in long term while PELLUCID helps to protect the eyes and allow us to spray anytime, anywhere or whenever we feel like spraying as it helps to soothe our eyes and give immediate and lasting results!
1. 从眼睛细胞修复 & 护理
2. 抗炎
3. 抗老
4. 10秒内补充眼睛流失的水很
5. 抵挡92%蓝光
6. 解决眼睛疾病
7. 0 化学药物和防腐剂!
【PELLUCID 护眼宝】到底谁适合使用 ?
✅ 喜欢戴lens的人
• 每次穿超过12小时,戴到眼睛痛 干 痒,还爆红血丝的人
✅ 电脑族
• 长时间对电脑,一开眼睛就是看电脑,打游戏,做工什么都好!眼睛很容易干的人
✅ 低头族
• 电商,直播大咖们,每次爆单就回复到手软,眼睛又肿又累 ,还爆红血丝!!
✅ 熬夜族
• 加班,熬夜追剧,黑眼圈,眼袋大的可以装钱。
✅ 老人病
• 飞蚊症,白内障,视力模糊,青光眼统统都可以!
今天无论你是 设计师,理发师,美甲师,发型师,厨师,什么师都好,总之你就是需要
#长期大量用眼力 的人,#你们都很需要!
• PELLUCID 是ARTechTM (Age Reversal Technology)逆龄技术的领导者 ,用了50年来研发。
• 拥有KKM 和 IWAI 认证,所以你要如何喷你的眼睛都绝对放心安全滴!
• 采用Nutri-Eye Tech眼球玻璃体储水技术,10秒内立马补回流水的水分,眼睛立刻shining bright like a diamond !!
• PELLUCID 跟一般的眼药水差远了!眼药水每次越滴越干。PELLUCID 全方位保护眼睛,让你随时随地都可以喷,立马喷,立马醒,立马舒缓!