How Electronic Devices Are Contributing to Eye Problems



The use of electronics is increasing rapidly in the modern world, and so is the number of people suffering from eye problems. Electronic devices such as computers, tablets, mobile phones, and televisions have made our lives easier and more convenient, but at what cost? Surveys and studies suggest that excessive use of these devices can cause a host of eye problems, including digital eye strain, myopia, and dry eye.


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Digital eye strain, also known as computer vision syndrome, is a condition that affects people who spend long hours working on a computer or other digital devices. It manifests as eye fatigue, headaches, blurred vision, and dry eyes. The blue light emitted by electronic devices is known to fatigue the eyes and disrupt the natural sleep-wake cycle, leading to eye strain and other associated problems.


Myopia, or nearsightedness, is another eye problem that is on the rise due to the use of electronic devices. This condition is characterized by the inability to see distant objects clearly, and it occurs when the eyeball is too long or the cornea is too curved. Studies suggest that excessive screen time can lead to the development of myopia in children and young adults.


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Lastly, dry eye is a condition that occurs due to the reduced production of tears, which makes the eyes feel irritated, scratchy, and burn. The reduced blinking while using electronic devices, as well as decreased humidity levels in air-conditioned environments, are some of the factors that contribute to this condition.


So, what can be done to avoid these eye problems? One solution is to take frequent breaks when using electronic devices, allowing the eyes to rest and blink naturally. Using anti-glare screens and adjusting the brightness and contrast of devices can also help reduce eye strain. It is also recommended to maintain a safe distance between the eyes and the screen, and to keep electronic devices at an appropriate height, to avoid neck and shoulder strains.


Otherwise, you can try natural dry eye management such as Pellucid Eye Spray to firstly instantly refreshes your eyes. Main reason for eye discomfort is due to dry eyes and also build of pressure within the eyes. With Pellucid, your eyes gets instantly moisturized. Secondary effect of Pellucid is that it being able to reduce internal eye pressure that causes your eye discomfort. Pellucid also have an effect that blocks 92% of blue light that enters the eye, providing your eye a barrier from blue light damage.


In conclusion, electronic devices have revolutionized our lives, but the excessive use of these devices can lead to various eye problems. It is important to be aware of these problems and take preventive measures to avoid them. Taking frequent breaks, adjusting device settings, and maintaining a safe distance from the screen are some of the simple measures that can help protect our precious eyesight and reduce the risk of long-term eye problems. Otherwise, if your lifestyle is too heavy relying on electronic devices, start your eye care management journey with Pellucid.